Buckling of a column / Part - 20

Buckling of Column 


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 Strut:  A bar or a member of a structure in any position and carrying an axial compressive load is called a strut.

 Column: A bar or a member of a structure included at 90° to the horizontal and carrying an axial compressive load is called a column.

 Slenderness ratio: The ratio of 5he length of the column to the least radius of gyration is called the slenderness ratio.

Buckling factor: It is the ratio between the equivalent length of the column tends to the minimum radius of gyration.

Buckling load: The minimum axial load at which the column tends to have lateral displacement or buckle 8s called the buckling or crippling or critical load.

safe load: The safe load for the column is the load under which the column will not buckle.

Equivalent length: Equivalent length for a column is the length which gives the same load as given by a both ends hinged column.

Short column: The column is considered as short when the slenderness ratio of column i.e., ratio of effective length to it's least lateral dimensions (leff/b) is less than or equal to 12.

 Long column: If the slenderness ratio of the column is greater than 12, it is called as long or slender column.

Euler's theory of buckling columns:

     The following assumption are made in this this theory:

(i) The column is initially straight and the applied load is truly axial.

(ii) The material of the column is homogeneous, linear and isotropic.

(iii) The length of the column is very large as compared to the cross-section dimensions of the column.
(iv) The cross-section of the column is uniform throughout.
(v) The shortening of the column due to axial compressive is negotiable.
(vi) The self weight weight of the column is neglected.
(vii) The ends are frictionless.


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